Wednesday, June 12, 2019

New Correct Term

This is VERY interesting. I just learned something new while Googling and thought I would share:

"Gestational carriers and surrogates are not the same, a surrogate is someone who donates her egg and then subsequently carries the child; she is genetically linked to that baby. Today, such cases of true surrogacy are very rare.  In the case of a gestational carrier, the woman carrying the pregnancy is in no way biologically related to the child she is carrying; the eggs and sperm are derived from the "intended parents" (or possibly an egg or sperm donor), through the process of In Vitro Fertilization (IVF). The egg is fertilized in the lab, and then the embryo (or embryos) is placed into the uterus of the gestational carrier."


So all this time with Amelia's baby, I should have been referring to the girl as her "Gestational Carrier." I'm SO embarrassed I used the incorrect term, but I'm too tired to go back and change all of my previous posts. Moving forward, I'll be using "GC" when talking about other friends' babies (or maybe even possibly one of my own?).

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