Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Get Ready to Feel Better

Hi New Friends! 

I'm Meryl. Yes, I was named after Meryl Streep. My mom has always been a huge fan. She bawled her eyes out while watching Sophie's Choice when she was pregnant with me. She went into labor the night of the 55th Academy Awards in 1983. The awards show was on TV in the delivery room. I was born just as Meryl Streep's name was announced for Best Actress for Sophie's Choice. My mom had another name picked out for me, but just as the person from the hospital records office walked in to get the name for my birth certificate, my mom yelled out "Meryl!" in excitement as her favorite actress walked up to the stage. So that's what the lady wrote down and walked out of the room before my parents even saw her. I did love Meryl in The Devil Wears Prada (she was fab), so I don't mind.

I have SO many friends in "real life" and followers online who openly share their struggles with me. Most tell me how stressed and depressed they are. I can't help but think that my talents, trips, perfect family, and possessions all immaculately staged and displayed on my Instagram might contribute to that. They think I have it ALL. 

Here's TOP SECRET information (so only tell like five or six people): I DON'T. I don't have it all. In fact, I'm a hot mess behind my iPhone XS Max.

So after months of thinking (and having my personal assistant thinking for me too) I decided it was only fair to start this blog to HELP OTHER STRESSED AND DEPRESSED WOMEN out there see they don't have it as bad as I do.

I figured you're already up and online late at night browsing because you either (a) drank a Diet Coke too late in the day, (b) have to hide your online shopping addiction from your husband while he sleeps or (c) you're five pounds overweight which makes you too uncomfortable to sleep.

So ladies! GET READY TO FEEL BETTER while you read about MY stressful and depressful life and glean from some of my sage wisdom. Guaranteed I WILL HELP YOU get out of "Depreche Mode" and start leaving the house again looking like you haven't given up (aka wearing yoga pants when you're not going to yoga and/or not pregnant).


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