Sunday, May 19, 2019

B-Ball Brock

I've already gotten a few emails from new readers who want to know more about my husband. More specifically, what he does that enables me to be a housewife full-time in a dual-income area.

Brock is an orthopaedic surgeon (or “orthopod” in his field's lingo). He decided on that specialty in med school. One weekend as a second year med student, he attended an NBA Finals game sitting courtside, of course. During the second quarter, he raised both arms to cheer -- forearms facing the court -- when the ball and a seven-foot-plus player randomly fell into him. BOTH of his arms snapped simultaneously. 

(**LEGAL NOTE: The team and player can’t be mentioned since some litigation is still pending, but let's just say Jack Nicholson wasn't sitting too far away.**)

Brocky had both of his arms in casts for eight weeks and had to finish that year of med school via Skype.

Since that freak accident, he has made it his life mission to educate basketball fans who can afford to sit courtside. He created a two-day pre-game seminar on courtside safety called "NB A-Level." 

He teaches at arenas all over the country during the season. (Then back at his regular practice during the off-season.) He trains fans, including A-list celebrities, who may be unaware of the risks (getting hit/hurt) and responsibilities sitting that closely (things like taking enough selfies, always looking camera-ready for the scoreboard, and the easiest foods to put down quickly to avoid any sudden collisions).

Seriously, I'm grateful he works SO hard. It always makes me FEEL BETTER knowing we can pay cash for anything depending on what kind of shopping mood I'm in.

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